Thursday, November 17, 2005

networking + studying = networking study?

So many of my friends that have studied or are studying in US complain how most of the universities are in the middle of nowhere and so, since there is absolutely nothing else to do, everyone's stuck studying. And this is how all the good grades and results come :)

Studying in Washington DC is definitely different in this respect. Here its all about networking. So you rapidly get into this and then at one point you discover that for the better part of time you have to sit behind your computer writing all kinds networking emails or going to some meetings and seminars and presentations. This even becomes part of your schoolwork, since its taken as granted here that once you have so many opportunities around you better use them.

So here's another one of those days. Started out in the morning by compiling a list of all the emailing I have to do and that has been piling up over the week. And the list is long - about 20 items with all the other small things. And then there's more people to meet and things to do .... So where's the time for reading and writing :) The only way to go is to make yourself work more and try to economise on time.

People here are being really efficient on time-management. Never seen so many people reading all the time and all at once like I see every day on the metro. And its pretty useful. That's the only way I get through my weekly Economist readings.

By noon I'm done with about 4 items - so 16 more to go. This means either a long night again or more work for tomorrow.

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